Friday, September 14, 2007

It's Like The Stars.

I was done with my friend's blog and wow. It made mine so insignificant and childish. She talked about her day, and her opinions about stuff that was happening to her and around her, while I have a whole new different way to expressing what I feel, usually I just vent and complain and curse whenever I can. But I do believe that everyone's different and I think I love that!

This morning, I went for a job interview at the weirdest places. My mom called the guy a couple of days ago when I refused to wake up and she refused to shut up! She lied to the guy, telling him I have a couple more months to go before I go back to college which hello, when I was even a freaking college student and somehow my mom was convinced that i'll get at least $1,300 a month from working as a receptionist for the security company. It's just odd. Work officially starts on Monday and god, I have to wake up 6.30 in the freaking morning so I could squeeze with other people who suffered the same fate as I do in the train. And it's like almost 45 minute train ride alone. Hmm...something to ponder about. And then grumble. And if I really have to look at the bright side of things, at least I'm waking an hour later than when I had to for school.

And then I met my ITE mate after the interview and we went swimming, like we planned to even if the weather seemed like it could come down on us mere humans any freaking moment. Least to say, the water was darn cold! We swam a couple laps and ending up talking more than swimming. And the lifeguard was actually like, "hey you girls are just here to talk huh?" And we said, "Hell yeah! We missed each other even though we've just met 4 days ago!!" We've been good classmates and friends, me and her, for almost 4 years now and we talked about everything, things about family, things about being single, things about work etc...we never shut up!! Which is a good thing, I supposed. I might only be meeting her again after this freaking month filled with work. Who knows?

And also because of work, I can't chat with Eva and Bianca and that really bummed me out big time! I could like curse right now! I miss them and it's only right that we talk and share our day and what we had for lunch and stuff like that. God, why do they have to be so darn far away???

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