Friday, April 3, 2009

Letters, Strings and All III

Dear Love,
I miss you and the first time I touched you, the first conversation we had in between the rows of shelves, the way I found you dozing off in the couch at the coffee house waiting for me to knock off, the sound of your voice, the way you kiss, the taste of you, the sound you made when you have finally fallen deep into sleep, your heartbeat as I laid and listened each night, faithfully, the way you cried, and the strong front you tried to put up when you're hurting inside...there is so much of you that I crave for right now. Yet we are so apart and I know, that it was me who drew the line, who broke us up but I wish you know it was only for your best, that I did what I did. You know that I love you, that I would forever, and ever and ever do. I could never leave you, not even for a second, let alone days.

I miss the good times we had, how I could always recognize the sound of my bedroom door opening up just slightly for you to peek your head in to check if I was around when everyday, you knew in your heart that you would always find me, just waiting, waiting for you, for us to come together again. There were times I thought I could maybe hide under my bed or something so you wouldn't find me. I wanted to see the worried expression on your face because I know it would be for me and me alone. But I couldn't. I couldn't bear to see you worried or sad, even for fun. I miss the quiet nights in the park where I could lay in your arms and watch the night sky dazzled with stars so far away and you would just be watching me, smiling. As if you would be contented, living just like this forever.

I miss deliberately being a step behind you so I could reach for your outstretched hand when you stopped, the one that would keep me warm for the rest of my life and knowing you had a smile on your face, one with anticipation, reassurance and contentment.

liebe Ich Sie immer und mein Herz gehört nur Ihnen und sonst niemandem
I love you always and my heart belongs to only you and no one else

24 März 2002

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