Thursday, April 2, 2009

Letters, Strings and All II

Dear Love,
6th day and I wish my heart would stop counting but just as naturally the heart beats, my heart yearns for your rightful return, to be at my side, to be in my embrace, in our single-sized bed, making out between these cozy, warm sheets and waking Lex up. Do you miss it, all of this, the way I do, even if I'm sitting at the edge of our bed right now, noting the day's journey and my feelings? I wish you were here, with your head plastered with a silly grin and affectionate brown eyes supported by your elbow, lying vertically, just watching my every move and then so absently, reaching out to stroke my hair, pulling a stray strand back behind my ear and then plant a soft kiss on my lips. Have I ever told you how much I love you when you do that? God, this self-control's beyond me! I have no understanding how anyone could be separated from their loved one for ever so long! How should anyone deal with that kind of loss and pain?

It was another day at work as I woke up without the taste of your strawberry lips in my mouth and my tongue. And I think Lex was trying to tell me about this new colleague at work but my heart was elsewhere. When I finally got to work, Daniel, this irregular guy who turned up out of nowhere, 'bout 17 of age and 5 ft tall, and the classic black rimmed glasses that suddenly is revived that seemed to always be on the tip of his nose, he tried to ask me out, for like the millionth time. Said he wanted to hang out and how he would serenade me with his secondhand guitar and the voice of a childish man. I rejected him of course, as politely as one could being stuck and ambused just outside the ladies by a boy who I'm sure couldn't tell full-grown breasts of a woman to that of a milking cow. OK, was that too harsh? But I could care less. All I could think about all day, was for work to be done with and for you to come to mind. How was your day? How was your heart?

liebe Ich Sie immer und mein Herz gehört nur Ihnen und sonst niemandem
I love you always and my heart belongs to only you and no one else
23 März 2002

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