Thursday, August 13, 2009

Like the strangers who have passed you by, do you wish you know a little bit more about them apart from the distinctive color of their eye, the tales they could have told you if you had stopped for a while?

Like the sky you've been under forever, do you remember the last time it rain and you heard thunder rumbling over your head? The odd shapes the clouds took and the shades of blue

Like the last joke or compliment you have heard, do you still hear the lingering laughter and sincerity in your ears?

Like the last meal you’ve had, do you remember to stop for a minute just to savor, like it’d be the last meal you would ever have?

Do you remember your first kiss? The first beat your heart made for anyone else but yourself?

Like the hand you have just let go of, how long would you remember its warmth? And how tightly would you hold on to it the next time you hold it?

Like the person you have just bade goodnight, did you remember to place a soft kiss on his/her forehead and tell him/her with all your heart you love them?

Do you remember the last word you said last night, to the person you love or were pissed at?

Like the lights you have just so carelessly left on, do you see the earth withering away?

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