Thursday, September 4, 2008

No Questions Asked

I walked alone the darkened crowded streets, and I see the world through colored panes, dodging baffled glances as I travelled from one story to the next.

I barely acknowledge.

Do you speak my name and the sound of my voice etched in your brain?

I got fatigue and misery, the perfect company as we walked, powerful as three, impregnable like a warship.

I can’t walk no further from me, from the memories, for the truth and what’s drenched, in blood, in tears, unspoken words.

I can’t even begin to remember.

I’ve forgotten to forget, to erase what built me, dismissing the hand that supported me.

Hunger and thirst became a chore, communication with words an obligation, and waking up to each day a liability.

I’ve tried, to shed my glasses, to walk among the happy, to breathe easy.

And not lie or put up a front because things just ain’t that breezy walk in the park.

I am guilty, for grabbing every chance to let my mind wander, to let my soul burn

It gave me pleasure

It shared with me things that needed confirmation.

I hear laughters now, I'm sure you guys are laughing at me, poking fun

Hear me now, Silence.

You will obey me.

Quiet down, you contagious humanity, don't you all have an elsewhere to be?

I never ever wanna explain my actions or words I've said.

No one, no one should ever ask.

No one should ever be given an answer.

I am me, I am her, I am we.

Go away people, there is nothing to see.

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