Monday, September 8, 2008

Time to Move On, Me

Dear fond readers,
I thought I shared this with you. I've gotten a key, a golden one Monday afternooon, 8/9/08. It took like 3 hours. It's healing, and the ink is kinda like bleeding through the skin now and my wrist hurts. I'll put another photo up when it heals completely. Do feel free to comment on it if you like in the little box on your right but not too harshly, please and nothing too negative.

It meant to guide, to help me remember things. Reasons are of my own and personal and some of you might think it stupid but you also realize that I don't quite give a fuck what you think so...This is my 4th tattoo or rather my 3½th tattoo if you wanna get technical. I have a thing for perpetuality and images, pictures, symbols, letters, alphabets etc. Sometimes, words fail me and so I turn to images. Hopefully the healing goes fine because this is the first tattoo that I did at a different shop so we'll just have to wait and see. I've never quite experience color bleeding this intense before but I have good faith and so will you guys.

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