Friday, September 12, 2008

Revelation in Pieces II

As the night darkens, and the day writhed away in rightful death, I’ve never been clearer. The things I yearn, I could almost taste my desires, you know if I weren’t already dead tired or at least working hard at it…I wanted to start anew. I’ve already begged for my forgiveness and that green light has lit for me to move on. I’ve given her everything, every fiber of me.

I had an addiction, perhaps I still have it. It’s sort of semi-open one and not enough to be a secret. And everyone has seen it in my eyes and reasons why I cry, the object of desire in the Gods’ eyes. I can’t quite remember enough to go back anyway. She wouldn’t take me back anymore.

Today, a friend asked me a question, if I was feeling alright. He understands I've been spending too much 'me time' and he and I know what happen when that happens. And it was surprising, to me anyway. The words that came out from my head was "grounded", "normal" and the likes. No one would usually put me along with those words in the same sentence. Nor would I. Maybe all of this is slipping away, slowly.

The imaginary better half of me must leave now. I watched her, walkin' out in stride the confines of my mind, freed from a selfish burden, freed from me, her ex-lover, her ex-world. She bid goodbye and smiled, turning her head at me for the last time. She looked so happy. And I look at her disappear. Freedom's the new kind of happiness I gave her and it was for her to keep. What is the real world anyway? What is us? All living things simply decay and die away. The only truth lies in our hearts.

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