Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tonight I met up with my pals, Drew and Adeline and I didn't think I could have had a happier time. We went dinner, nothing too special about it and we talked. It was quality time well-spent. And I really love having them around and Drew's this really i don't know, persistent guy and I'm not sure if it's a good thing...

I'm gay, he's certainly not, in fact he's rather Christian. We would always be arguing about it from our own perspectives and POV and he would never in his life, this life anyway agree to what I say and we were like having a little debate competition going on earlier hanging out at Macdonald's and everyone around us seemed to be eavesdropping. It was a little mad that he can't see my orientation the way I see it and it frustrated me. He was and still is a very kind friend, a good man even. I mean he wanted happiness for me and I wanted happiness for myself and it wasn't even about winning or losing the argument but more of bringing across his points and make me see that I am indeed wrong. I get it. He and my brother would make a perfect pair. He would say this like all the freaking time and it's so funny what Adeline said about it. He would say this " 两个鸡蛋不会生出小鸡!" and Adeline said I should write it on my New Year couplet and hang it round. It was so funny when she said that. We were laughing like absolute crazy. I really love those guys.

We don't get to hang out a lot, Drew's in camp, Adeline's working and doing a part-time degree course and I have my own stuff to do but every time we meet out, we had the most fun. We may stand polar opposite on some issues but at the end of the day, we will always be good friends and I think Adeline knows that and I hope Drew too. I think it is really important. I wish we had taken photos but we are really not the camera-loving crew...

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