Monday, January 21, 2008


I just feel like writing something, and hopefully a lil' less death and angst. As compared to when I was writing my last blog, I am a tab bit lighter. And I walked away lessons learnt. About me, about limitations, mine and theirs and about saying no at the right time to your best friend.

Sometimes I am a dreamer, just staring and not talking
Sometimes I'm just one hell of a fucked up asshole, just swearing but not looking
Sometimes I am human and vulnerable
Sometimes I mourn, for a past that has abandoned me by the entrance of Hell, by the roadside on a rainy night
Sometimes I find myself just incredibly stupid and dumb
Sometimes I find myself enlightened in the most unexpected circumstances, even if I walked away in cuts and bruises
Sometimes I sing, as I'm typing away, racking my brain about some assignments that didn't mean a thing
Sometimes I tried to find a way to stop where I was going, to take a breather, even for a short while, to get things right
Sometimes I cry, watching tv, listening to a song
Sometimes I snapped and yelled and be so angry I could break a person in half
And often times I stopped.

Sometimes I wonder if life would have been a different gig if I were a different person
Sometimes I come to the conclusion and put my foot down and thinking "no way!"
Sometimes I don't think I can't deal with it anymore, that I just wanna run away
Sometimes I walk alone, in the dark, surrounded by strangers
Sometimes I get a good day and I wanted time to stop
And Sometimes I get a not so good day
Sometimes I need to sleep.

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