Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Letters, Strings and All 12

Dear Love,

I always knew you were different. You were different from everything I was taught to believe, anyone I've ever known because only you and you, my dearest love can cause me such excruciating pain and still, everything you did and didn't do just makes me wanna love you more.

If I strip myself naked and look into the mirror now, I know I'll see your face. I'll see the marks you have left on me with your gentle hands. The soft warmth still emits from me, like an aura. And I feel every inch of my skin wilting away, drying up with every hint of moisture sucked away. I have been away from your touch for too long. I need you to quench a thirst only you can.

I'm sorry. If only you could hear me say it. Will you grant me a second chance, a legitimate reason to be who I really am, to love you for who you truly are? Can you just come back? Can you just be kissing me now? Can we skip the whole process of having to reacquaint with each other and pretend we're only friends when you and I both know we are designed for much, much more than that? It hurts so darn bad to be away from you. It hurts now, and last night and the night before and the many nights to come if I don't have you back here in my arms.

How are you doing today? Do you also miss me with an intense pain? I'm sorry if you did but I'm not sorry that you felt this way. We are meant to be together. We are connected on a basis no one understands. We're better than identical twins. I read your mind and you'll finish my sentence. Now, baby, I need you to read my mind, and know my needs. When you do, which I know you would, you'd come back.

I always thought we had more time. After all, you have been a part of my life since the day we met. You were always within reach, an arm's length away. Now, I can't help but feel like time is running out. With every minute apart, I am missing out on precious moments with you, of you and in you. I miss our conversations, the myriad things we talked about. I am sleeping on the floor because I cannot bear sleeping in a bed we no longer share. I love you. I hope you still believe me when I say it.


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