Friday, February 27, 2009

"Liesl, I haven't thought about you in (insert number of days). You should be glowing with pride. I took that route today, after my exams, after whatever was going on. The one where you left me, by my high school. It's under renovation right now. I stood by the traffic lights, teary-eyed yet so determined to follow the rule, looked my left and right and crossed like a good child but I couldn't. I couldn't wait for it. But you did. You waited, so patiently.

I miss you, but it's of a good kind, you know. I Love You. Still do. Will always do and you have a place in my heart, so huge you could never fathom. If it were real land, you could build a nation on it. I wanna move on so bad. I wanna think about you and your goodness without the rage and loss. I wanna love you again and myself. I think the mechanics are working pretty well in my head..and hopefully, it'll keep up its glorious work and keep those thoughts away. You're still here. I know you are."

下过雨后 我大口吸着清新空气
今天以后 要努力做全新的自已
过了限期 不再可伶兮兮
承认你已经 从我的世界走出去

回家的路 我梦见一望无际花海
真的感激 又看得见大自然美丽
不再哭泣 才能够看得清晰
我真的懂了 再也不会自暴自弃

再见过去 我们的足迹
那段相遇 心动 热恋 分离 我不会否定

下过雨后 我大口吸着清新空气
今天以后 要努力做 全新的自已
不再哭泣 才能够看得清晰
我真的懂了 再也不会自暴自弃

再见过去 我们的足迹
那段相遇 心动 热恋 分离 我不会否定

离开后 我更勇敢
再见过去 再见我和你
会有 新的发现 新的经历 新谱的恋曲 原来我喜欢 这样的自已

© 黄湘怡, Stella 狂想曲 ~ Track 3, 再见过去 ~

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