Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cold Mountain

"Guns are never useful
Oh god, that blue, it must have been painful
So very, very painful.
It was all written in her eyes
The truth reflected in the water down the good lady's well
Crows, black and noisy ones, and snow
Love has come home
He has.
The night before,
When a baby girl could have been born
They will keep playing it, the songs
Especially in the cold
"I'll marry you, I'll marry you, I'll marry you"
"I'll marry you, I'll marry you, I'll marry you"
Now they knew the journey was not all for naught
If only they could say the same about the war
One can only dare hope..."
I just caught Cold Mountain on TV a while ago and it was good film for those who and never gave up, despite the circumstances and in your face people. It is also largely about friendship and support, and kindness. It's not about for how long, it's about happening and having the moments, like diamonds, real or made up. In the middle of it, almost end, I had a feeling it wouldn't quite end up the way I pictured it. You know, the standard good ending where Inman, Jude Law's character comes back to Ada, Nicole Kidman's character and they live happily ever after. The ending shortchanged me there, when Inman died anyway but at least, fulfilled and validated and the couple gave birth to a baby girl named Grace Inman. And I really love Renée Zellweger's role in the film (won the Oscars Best Supporting Actress for it!) She was really cool, and her own story to tell in bits and pieces yet with absolute poignancy. She pretended not to care when in truth, she did and a lot. She loved her daddy, saved his life and in the process, her own..It's all in all a good film. You guys should watch it, or better yet, if you are affordable, go get the book and tell me if it's better.

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