Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kudos to Whoever.

Ok, it's that time of year again where I stop and take a bearing and lay appreciation for all those whom I owe it to ( and big time!), and really kinda take a breath.

My life as a student is now seeing its not-so-bright end. I am not going nowhere with my current grades so I can't procrastinate no more and I have to just immerse myself fully into what I call 'the adult working world'. I don't know who I'll turn out to be, good or bad. At least for now, I am feeling ok. Yeah, I am feeling ok. You know, as good as one can be plus exam anxiety.

All right then.

Groupmates and schoolmates and drinking mates and strangers, I love you all and it's beyond any word I could possibly muster with my limited vocabulary. You guys made my world such a pretty picture. We overcame challenges within such short time span, had loads of fun and I was mad and frustrated for the littlest and stupidest things I can no longer bother remembering. I've been less than articulative my entire existence and it's probably my bad. I suck at expressing, especially love and friendship but I'll always, always, with my life be here when you need me. You guys can fucking count on that! I probably seemed nonchalant most of the time or I don't talk as much but I'm right here. Oh, I feel like a good cry, especially the 'love and friendship part'. Haha!! Embarrassing is all.

Anyway, I thank you guys and you guys know who you are, for pulling it through and putting it up with me. I'm really wouldn't be the first to wave and yell 'yes' if I had to bunk in or work with me. You guys are fucking courageous! I'm really just finding this experience a surreal one. I never seemed to believe in anything and I still don't. But you guys made me, trust in having fun in life in the midst of non-funness. I don't wanna say I've been through a lot, because then that will make me sound old when I'm not. But yeah, I'm still working out the kinks of life, trying to fix things, fix me and I will be as good as new in no time.

I have fear, so much of it I'm feeling selfish I can't share it. Haha! If wishes do come true, it will be pretty cool to just stay in school, and be protected from the pains of this world but then again, be careful what you wish for. They don't generally work the way you'd have cared for and often than not, you regret making them. I have simple wishes. I want all whom I have the honor to know and keep, good health, love, inner peace and strength and courage to do whatever they are doing. We better keep in close contact, just to check it the magic is working its all.

I love you guys.

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