Saturday, March 1, 2008

or so a different wishing star falls, with stunning acceleration bursting into flames
flames that were born out of passion and love
i was once a witness of that birth
i was once the person who didn't want it to happen
i thought, 'friends, a friendship would have been better for you have to know him better'
They went ahead anyway, and with my blessings.
They have been together for the last years, i can't remember for how long
And as time passes, everyone around them has figured out what's wrong
Everyone offered help, a listening ear and they rejected them so
And so everyone watched, hoping to see the light again, of their undying passion of one another
or so a different wishing star falls, into darkness
they will each find another again, i'm sure
i know
and it was nothing ugly, it was only time
it was something awaiting
something both of them and maybe us were almost waiting for
it'd be a good thing.

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