Saturday, March 1, 2008


"Baby says I can't come with him
And I had read all of this in his eyes
Long before he even said so
Why go, I asked
You know and I know why
And it'll be just as quiet when I leave
As it was when I first got here
I don't expect anything
Take care
I've been hurt before
Too much time spent on closing doors
You may hate me, but I'll remember to love you
Don't cry
You know why
And it'll be just as quiet when I leave
As it was when I first got here
I don't expect anything
I don't expect anything
All the waves of blame arrange as broken scenery
As they steal your best memories away
What if I was someone different in your only history?
Would you feel the same
As I walk out the door
Never to see your face again
Never to see your face again
And it'll be just as quiet when I leave
As it was when I first got here
It'll be just as quiet when I leave
As it was when I first got here
I don't expect anything
I don't expect anything to change when I leave"

Apparently I love this song, shed a tear for it even and in a public place. I feel like it's kinda what Tara would have said anyway, to me, at the door, with a suitcase of her earthly possessions ready to be trashed. I might not know why she died, but I kinda knew that it was the only one thing she must do and as the person who swored her life for her, would therefore, theoritically support her and let her go. And like what the chorus said, it'd be as quiet as when she leaves, the way it was when she first came. And after she's gone, she would like nothing changed, and that includes me. I am supposed to still be that fucked up lousy grader who can't achieve no shit and could stand in front of no mirrors and be proud of what looked back. Guess nothing has changed after all...Go if you must, my love, for I shall stay and live this world for you. You would never have to be tainted again.

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