Monday, December 31, 2007

Twenty08 for Real

Dear Quiet World and Beloved Love,
It's 10 to 1am when I started this entry. Everyone's out there having fun, being with the people they love, just coming down from a high of embracing a new year. It's actually twenty08, can anyone like believe that? I mean, I've been here on this Earth, a part of this mortality coil for 22 wicked years. Why do you think that is?

I'm not celebrating or doing any of the countdown thing, obviously, even if I had a television. I'm not like that. I don't like crowds; I specially enjoy the comfort of my chair and sitting in front of the computer burning my eye sockets and brain away, working on some proposals that I have been procrastinating. The only major countdown that I was remotely a part of was for Millenium and that is like what, 8 years ago?

Everything I do, I do alone, so the fun's all burnt out. It's no more life when it's without Tara. I will say that even if you would point a gun at me. I might even actually for a spilt second welcome it. Everyone around me just wants me to move on, to liking guys, to being heterosexual, to getting married and giving birth the right way. I appreciate it, truly but it's not going to happen anytime soon, guys.

Lord J was supposed to be this ever-forgiving sunshine guy, as long as the child showed true repentence for whatever wrongs he/she did and possessed a desire to spread good. My brother and a couple of good friends think I will burn in hell, maybe I'll make that my new year resolution - note to self: stray from hell. Well, if I am going to burn in hell, make it a quick one.

May the Good in This World Spread like Wild Fire...Happy New Year, Kids

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