Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Finding and Fucking

Maybe I'll learn to fly
Out of this place, out of me and my head
Perhaps I'll dive
So I'll learn how not to die, without a smile
Or, I could just walk away with my legs, they're all I've got
Away from it all, away from what's Life
Healing is about Living and Lying
Living is Finding and Fucking
So as long as you're lucky
You should find whatever it is.

Countdown to 17th of October, I would seriously open a bottle of champagne or something on that particulary day or rather late evening or I could just be too tired to even get up to say hi. It'd be a Wednesday, it'd be the last day. It'd be euphoric.

I've seen the draft but it's incomplete so we'll see. It's a little bigger than my palm and it's going to be on my right side where the TARA tattoo already is. He's combining the 2 together to make them look like 1 which I hope it looks great cause I just love the TARA tattoo so darn much! This would be a gift to myself, considering I'd be 21 soon. Ha, the perfect excuse. But of course, I was giving it away; whoever knew me knew I would get a tattoo with or without an excuse.

And also I'm doing something. I would posting stuff, like writings mostly. It just helps pass the time, you know. Feel free to comment.

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