Monday, August 6, 2007


It's nearing the end of the tunnel, the sort of flying and dodging the radars days are somewhat coming to a conclusion, good or bad, I'm not sure yet. Will I see the light? Or is it just a glimpse of what darkness is? The chefs are heading home. I can't believe that. It certainly felt as if I was just writing about them in my old blog a second before this. I was still trying to make out their middle names, the way their eyes would shine and the way they would talk and the distinctive working styles each possessed. I think I will miss them. And quite a bit actually.

It is still extremely hard to work with Marc Haymon but god, the man possessed the most beautiful eyes and charming face. It was as if they would talk, without being sarcastic...ok, so maybe no. But really, I would love to just look at that face. He too is going away and perhaps more enthusiatic about the prospect of leaving Singapore and us than any of the chefs. We kinda came to a conclusion that as quick witted, resourceful and incredibly enlightened in the ways of baking and stuff and as full of Common Sense as he is, he's really not a teacher-material. But nevertheless, thank you Chef M.

The other guy I had to mention is Chef Kenneth James Woyt.... (Ok, so I still can't spell his last name but I promise, I'll get it). A man probably in his early 50s who lived in California before he came here, he's an intriguing dude. I can't actually put him under any category. He's slightly more versatile in the ways of Asian and Western cuisines, having travelled and stayed in parts of the world. He has a big family but nothing to call his own, (we think) and just recently, he's grand-uncle to his niece's baby boy and the 4th time!! And by the way, it's just so ridiculously cool and outrageously awesome that that niece of his is actually gay and they probably got a close and trusted guy friend to make the whole baby thing work...hmm...but anyway, that's beside the point. I will always remember him...

The last guy's Chef Hinnerk Wilhem Von Bargen. The 2m tall German guy who married a native chinese and had a gorgeous little bit named Marlina. I had a chance to really work with him during my time in Garde Manger and I knew the depth of his knowledge and his love for food, just by looking into his eyes. There are beliefs he holds dear, there are times he needed to sort of really ask why and rebute. He's 40...happily married. "I love my wife to pieces," if i may quote him. I've seen the lady. Elegant, and very much into swimming :P! He's leaving for Beijing where his family will be this 18th. And so are the other 2 chefs, wherever it is they are heading to. My money's on either California or New York.

Most of all, I miss the time me and my classmates have spent in the different kitchens. It was hard work and full of grumbling at times but it's time that were spent and it therefore meant something. We are probably separating real soon, different SERVICE days, tutorials and lectures at different hours of the day...I don't like that. I'm just beginning to know people...

Plus also, obviously the fact that we will not see those 3 chefs ever again. I could never ever in this short lifetime of mine work around the mechanism of bidding goodbye, let alone appreciate it.
The first picture where you see an old dude with a pretty thing, that's Chef Kenneth and Chef Hinnerk's 9 years old, Marlina. It's taken in the chef's office. The second one's taken last day at Garde Manger and so that's Chef H, among hordes of insane people and the last picture's taken in the Pastry and Bakery Department. I really don't think you need me to point out Marc...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg. ashley, this post made me cry., i really think that i will miss them, really. ): boohoos.