Friday, August 13, 2010

Just what if?

What would you do if you had a chance to go back in the past?
Would you try to redeem yourself, to do right for once?

How would things be different if you have said goodbye one last time?
Turn your head around, give her a tight hug and look into her eyes

What would you say to a last meal, a last kiss or a last dance?
Would you still have declined?

What if you were given a choice to save her, to get there in the nick of time, even if it meant losing your life?
I know what I'll do
And I'll do it for the rest of my life.

Fate watches you and your fruitless taunts that go nowhere over your shoulders
It's laughing at you, you insignificant homosapien, making snide comments about how silly you are
"The truth is staring you in the eye, idiot! What are you waiting for?"

Right, so why am I still sitting here?

So what am I truly waiting for?

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