Thursday, March 4, 2010

I woke up on an empty bed today, wide-eyed and lying on my back, my head seemingly dislocated at weird angles
Your face in the recesses
I've been up all night, the taste of defeat lingering softly inside my charred lips
Life seems to be at a distant, humming, bubbling and crackling quietly just beneath the surface

I know I am alive when I see fresh blood gushing through the thin, blue opening on my pale wrist
If I could only feel the car crash again, I could fly.

I am bent over and broken, believing simple should be hard
I haven't gone anywhere else while I watch you travel miles
I trace your name on me, imagining it to be your skin
I am now delirious and drunk, high on memories
It's so shiny; the spaces between us, eluding and leading me astray.
So what happen to the bulletproof spaces in your arms?

Yes, I will marry you. You have asked me before in your dreams. I will marry you over and over again, just say yes. We'll pick a dress.
I love you. And I always do.

I met you over spilled coffee in the bookstore when I was 14
and I wish it isn't too late to marry you at 24
You glowed, you know that, under that fluorescent light and even more when it's dark
It almost looked as if you don't belong here and I had just stolen you and hide you in my heart

I'll leave the windows shut and the door close so I could listen to you talk
I'll keep you and the sheets warm, I'll do a splendid job

When I sat alone, the world in the backdrop, I saw hope, streaks of light in everyone else's lives
I know I can't be a part of that
I stand watching for a while, and decide I'll just go on with mine

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