Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hell Knows No Fury Like A Gay Man Scorned. Indeed

It was a good enough day. After what seemed to be a crazy Friday. I missed work on Friday. A reason as mundane as that, a convenient excuse to escape work, even for a day and on such shaky excuses but you know, I got my Friday off so that made me happy. I am no stranger to the A&E and how rough I would be treated with an IV drip that wouldn't quite work. Pain is relative. Pain, unfortunately in this case, has failed to do its job at overwhelming. I, unfortunately, wouldn't just die.

I was an audience, the only one with the imagination. I sat down late this early afternoon for a film I was scheduled to watch last evening, alone. I have always been gently inspired and intrigued by movies and I wish that each time I bought a ticket, and sat down among the other people who I barely knew or remember a face, it was for a worthy experience that would come to stay with me for a while longer after the credits roll. It didn't quite, this time but it was just as worthy.

The film was called A Frozen Flower.
The Korean film released last December in Korea, and 23rd this month in Singapore tells of a gay King, whose empire lies on a thin thread without a heir to his kingdom, whose love and trust in his commander-in-security and bisexual lover, Hong Lin, ended up in deaths of both men but eventually an heir. The King, out of time and pure desperation, ordered Hong Lim, the only man he trusted besides himself, to impregnate his Queen. Hong Lim was reluctant of course, for he loved and served only the King. Or so I thought. He continued his affair behind the King's back, guilty and teary-eyed at first but eventually his feelings for the Queen went beyond the line of duty, beyond lust. He was discovering love outside of what he has shared with the King for that past decade. He gradually fell in love with the Queen and of course it infuriated the King beyond measures. However he had no intention of executing Hong Lim for the he still believed in their love which unfortunately, at the end, we realized was not mutual.

I don't wanna give it away too much because it'd be good for you guys to watch and interpret it in your own way. Just a kind reminder, the movie is rated R21 and for good reasons. However, there is this guy on Youtube who has already uploaded the film in segments so. It's your call.

I did not feel like talking today. And it was perfect for I only had to imagine quietly, feeling each and every emotion as they played on screen. I knew the ending before I knew it. It could not end well at all. It was a doomed destiny, which I'm sure translated clearly to everyone who watched it.

The cast were a gorgeous bunch, though I wouldn't think I would recognize either of them outside of the movie. The palace, the costumes, the fights and more importantly the sex were great! Soundtrack-wise, the actor who starred as the King lent his voice and you can catch a glimpse of it on the official website under multimedia which is the 3rd one of the selection at the bottom and click on the 4th one at the top for the clip. I'm not sure if it was dubbed but it's cool. My favorite character was the King. I like he trusted and continue to trust until the very end. Because I would have too.
I leave with you the official website of the movie and I apologize that it's in Korean but watch the trailer anyway. It's not too bad. Also, there is this other website that played the trailer with Chinese subtitles. Do explore the official website. (chinese subtitles) (official korean website)

Movies are meant to be felt with your heart, and not necessarily understood all the time.

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