Monday, December 29, 2008


等到你结束好久 探险的旅程
你越是想要诚恳 其实越残忍
伪装不了你对我 漠视的眼神

多想化成隐形的人 掩饰我伤痕
给你我的体温 好帮你驱走寒冷
我想化成隐形的人 隐藏我的泪在翻滚
我在你凌乱世界 留下的指纹

朋友都于心不忍 责备我愚蠢
但他们都回避我 执着的眼神

多想化成隐形的人 掩饰我伤痕
给你我的体温 好帮你驱走寒冷
我想化成隐形的人 隐藏我的泪在翻滚
我在你凌乱世界 留下的指纹

多想化成隐形的人 掩饰我伤痕
给你我的体温 好帮你驱走寒冷
我想化成隐形的人 隐藏我的泪在翻滚
留下的指纹 对你是没心跳的一个吻

©孙燕姿, 完美的一天 ~ Track 3, 隐形人 ~

Saturday, December 27, 2008

17 Reasons Why

I hope that some of you out there watches Showtime's The L Word. It's in her 5th season now; whether she'd be picked for a 6th is still a mystery. For you guys who have watched it and probably are loyal fans, I wouldn't have to explain the storyline or provide a blurb of some sorts. Anyway, they introduced this new character into the show in Season 4 named Jodi Lerner. She was portrayed by Marlee Matlin, an Oscar award winning actress who is profoundly deaf, a mother of 4 kids, a proud author of 3 books and she just starred in American's ABC's Dancing with the Stars, Season 6 in which she lasted for 6 weeks. She is possibly one of the most inspiring person I know but unfortunately, not personally (OK, this is not bordering perversion). Ok, I am obviously extremely into her right now.

I've just watched a film she starred in, and it also starred Jeff Daniels, another talented actor as her hearing husband and the story depicts a struggle within a very close-knitted family, whether to get their only son, Adam who developed deafness at 4 year old cochlear implants which would then allow him to hear sounds and maybe have a better chance in life. Marlee was Lauren Miller, Adam's mother and Dan, Jeff's character's loving wife. Lauren taught in a deaf school and was brought up by deaf parents who were really proud of what they called 'deaf culture' which coincidently I did a simple tutorial on for my Design in Culture class (I only watched the film after I handed in the tutorial so...) Dan wanted the implants for Adam because he wanted his kid all the opportunities life presented to a hearing person and especially because Adam was still young and remembered sounds. Lauren on the other hand was absolutely torn and struggling with that concept and the pressure her folks gave her. She didn't perceive deafness as an obstacle or a disability. A deaf person can still achieve anything and do whatever as desired except hear. (Marlee evidently believes in the same thing in reality) The couple eventually separated and was on trial for Adam's custody. The story ended, as far as I'm concerned, on a good note. Dan figured out that they didn't need a panel of judges/strangers to tell them who Adam goes home with or if being deaf or hearing is worth debating their pants off about...Dan loves Lauren and Adam, no matter what. So they got back together and the family leads a life just as they were supposed to, hearing AND not hearing. The film is called Sweet Nothing In My Ear. If you are interested, I could get you the link to the movie.

Back to The L Word, Jodi, Marlee's character is an awesomely talented and hot gay sculptor who was invited to guest-spot at Bette Porter's school where she is the Dean. Bette is played by Jennifer Beals, equally charming and very intellectual. In real life, the two have been best friends for 20 years. In the show, they met because of work and they eventually got into sort of a relationship that didn't quite work out in Season 5. Bette loved Jodi and Jodi loved her even more but Bette was more in love with her ex and the mother of her daughter, Tina. Before meeting Bette, Jodi didn't remotely believe in monogamy and kids but because of Bette, she happily changed herself and accepted that commitment to which Bette would come to fail her. The two characters were just fundamentally different.

I know everyone is just waiting for Bette and Tina to be reunited and ideally stay that way and for a long time as I was watching the show, I wanted the same thing too because they truly belong together. The couple was like an anchor and the safe place where fans can go to in the show. But the introduction of completely altered and wiped out my perception of Bette and Tina's reunion. I wanted Jodi for Bette. I am sure that the whole deafness thing has a lot to do with it because I just adored this particular culture and people. And Marlee, she is such a great, great, great actress. To derail a little, I've always wanted to pick up sign language because Liesl, my girlfriend, she was about 80% deaf and I really wanted to pick up her language like she picked up lip-reading and speaking. And finding out information about Marlee reignited that passionate spark in me. Anyway, this is just what I feel regarding the progress and direction of the show which I'm sure no one from the production will know. They aren't going to change the plot for me...perhaps that's why I'm not in a hurry to watch Season 5 because that's when the ugliest breakup of the century happens.

It sometimes amazes me how almost none of the core cast members are even homosexual or bisexual yet they portrayed the characters with such conviction. They are such talented bunch of women, very creative, and quick with their thinkings. I live for their dialogues, the words are always poignant and humorous and really just drives home, you know. Not to mention, they are pretty nice to look at, asthetically. You guys should watch the show, even if you aren't gay or whatever. To some people, the show will do very little if not, adversely affect their somehow already etched-in-stone (and wrong) perceptions of the gay people. To others, the show is almost like an answer to the prayers for more portrayals of gay people and topics and stuff. Personally, I find the show to be so incredibly fucked up and twisted that I didn't think I could bear watching but at the same time, those are the things that are really happening here, in this world and not just confined to Hollywood. People need other people to be honest so they could learn to do the same and this is what The L Word is all about. Honesty, integrity, love, hatred, and stuff...

Monday, December 22, 2008

每到夜晚, 我就习惯性失眠














Sunday, December 14, 2008

People just leave now, don't they?Just walking away, turning that tiny corner and vanishing into thin airBecause that's what they do bestAnd no one knows where they goI am nobody's businessThey don't leave nothing but a bunch of griefNot a single syallable on a piece of crushed paper or money burntAnd you are just here, waitingHow does anyone do this?Wake up and go to sleep, Don't they ever make a sound, maybe cry at night, yell a little?Look for their true faces in the mirror, never finding itPretend it's not all over because it's really isPretend it's all over when you are still cryingWhat is real and what is dream?What keeps you moving when everything else stops?Can you please tell me a story?
The one in which nobody dies in.
Please, just hear and lead me,
Down that very long aisle.
I will be happy.
Could you sing me a line, a familiar one, so I’ll know why.
Why she left,
Me here.

Thursday, December 11, 2008



在某个星期二的夜晚里,她对我说,能活着就是幸福,就是在这星球上所有答案、道理和理由。 痛也只是个微小的提醒。
她要我带着那份礼物和她曾给过我的爱感动下一个遇到的女孩, 让她了解活着、爱着的好。

OK, so I don't generally do this, not in Mandarin anyway. But I thought I give it a try. This is a picture I took with my cellphone the last time I dropped by Kinokuniya. It's a cover page of some kind of graphic collection or comic book collection. I love it the moment I saw it and I kept it as my cellphone wallpaper. It didn't really try to convey anything to me when I first looked at it but as time goes, as I looked at the picture more, words finally came...