Sunday, November 23, 2008

hey, it's your birthday, right?

Yesterday, it's a get-yourself-really-drunk-and-delirious day. Well, for me anyway. It was crazy, the amount I drank. I didn't even know I could do that. I didn't even know where the line's at. Drank for 6 hours straight, just babbling, taking in oxygen, breathing it out. Thinking about the past and fretting about an assignment due the next day. It's amazing.

I've not been holding up at all. If I did, it was a false front. I'm so tired, so uninspired. Nothing in me flows. Nobody's singing and dancing in joy.

I was happy, I was sad. I was nervous and I was so glad.

Birthdays, who cares about birthdays?

Grades, projects, tutorials and classes, that's what topped my list. And I'm not even like, doing anything about it. A zombie, part of the walking dead. Blue, and torn. Red and burning.


1 comment:

Gugu-Gaga said...


well...i may not really know what you are going through...but trust me, i have lost a loved one before...and its tough...honestly...i do know that no matter what happens you can never move on with that...but, it's best to move on in life....and cherish that beautiful relationship you had with your gf...and always keep those memories...embrace them...
