Monday, July 21, 2008

The Lake House

OK, I've just wrapped up watching The Lake House, starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock last night. It gave me that familiar feeling that I would only get when I'm reading letters Tara used to write to me when she was alive. That feeling prompted me in anticipation to finish watching the DVD. It was the end of another crazy week at work and I'm barely recovering from my various flu and cough and whatnots bugs and I would love to get some rest. But I bought the DVD some time ago and I decided to do it justice by playing it. I've always been a Sandra Bullock fan and I knew that whatever projects she decided to embark on, it can't be too bad and The Lake House proved that point rather poignantly, I would say.

For gentle readers of my blog who have yet catch the film, I'm telling you you should. And beware for possible spoilers. 2 persons, existing in different time frames altogether exchanged correspondences through a mailbox. They realized they were living in the same house a.k.a the Lake House and rearing the exact same dog named Jack or Jac, I wouldn't know. Anyway, they tried desperately to meet up but a fatal car accident prevented that meeting. Alex, played by Keanu was dead before he could meet Kate, Sandra's character. Just one wrong reckless move, and the 2 of them would have been separated forever. The mind-boggling time travel thing aside, it's about 2 people finding themselves in themselves and then falling in love with each other and realizing just how significant they could be to each other and to everyone else.

I didn't think I would like the film so much. It could be because it's the very first time I was watchin' it and I had no clue to knowing how it would develop and its twists and ending. So it's all fresh and my heart ready to be taken for a spectacular and romantic ride. I was so terrified that Alex would die and they would never be reunited. I was in pain when I watched as Kate tried her hardest to save his life. And I think the tones of their voices have got a lot to do with it. How soft their voices were...

Tara used to write letters for me. I think she did that while I was asleep. She would later place the letters in a bundle and put them in a box. I also found a jacket. It wasn't really the most necessary piece of clothing in a tropical island like Singapore but I kept it anyway in my closet. There will come a day when I know I'll need it. Needless to say, the car accident in the film reminded me of her. In the film, Kate couldn't save that man's life and she was really affected by it. She thought about the life of that man, the people who were waiting for him to come home and how they would never know...and yes, I thought about that too. I never got over that accident. I never got over how incredibly stupid I must have been to let it happened. Maybe that's why I ain't in such a hurry to get a driver's license. A door would close and another one would open. At least that's what everyone says. I don't know if I believe it.

I'm graduating soon. I don't have a sustantial job offer yet. I'm thinking of applying for a job in Adelaide. It would be very scary. I would be on my own. I would have to be an adult. And I have to be strong. Right now, all I've got are words and plans. Nothing concrete yet. And if I've decided to go for it, I would need money so I suppose I would still be working in Singapore for a while more before embarking on my journey. We will see what happens and where I will go.

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