Sunday, March 6, 2011

Letters, Strings and All 16

I am tracing every molecule that is you. My fingers tremble at the near touch. You have just fallen asleep next to me and already I miss your brown eyes. I want to see them sparkle. They tell me stories and read me love and contentment. They tell me everything my body needs to take each breath and my heart to pump every ounce of blood.

I adore how you would wriggle under the blanket to lie on your side so you could look into my eyes. I love how you fold your knees towards your chest as if hugging yourself and how your legs would eventually find and intertwine with mine. As the candles grew shorter and the day dimmer, you let out a quiet sigh. Warm air brushes the tiny hairs of my ears. You cuddle me like you would a teddy bear, like you're afraid you may wake up in an empty bed. Rest your fears, my love because I could not care to fall asleep and wake up any other way but to be living on the first and last breath of air you inhale in and out.

I think I am crazy but I ain't more so than the rest of us. I think you are unreal. I think you would simply vanish into thin air and cease to exist if I let you walk away. As each day passes, I grow less and less together. When you are not here with me, I am in pieces. Literally. Shattered chunks, bloody ribbons of an existence so cold and sharp it cuts anyone who dare comes close. I am no longer kind and patient. I am no longer in love, my passion extinguished. I am not Liesl whom my grandfather named nor the Tara you so fondly knew.

I am afraid I would grow accustomed to the dull aching in my heart because that's just the way it's gonna be from now onwards.

Good night, sunshine.

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