Monday, November 15, 2010

Hey guys,

So much so for wanting to retire to bed early. I suppose like many other things in life and in this world, people do have different and sometimes, polar opposite definitions for the same thing, such as going to bed early. All right, my laptop clock says 3.01 AM as I begin this entry and still I don't think I'm tired.

I have always had trouble sleeping because I think I like the night better. I like that it's quiet, I like that that's when your entire day winds down, good and bad day alike. I like that everyone is just coming down from a high of sorts and getting ready for bed and kissing their loved ones good night. Don't get me wrong, I love to sleep, no doubt about that. I love being dead to the rest of the world. On an awful day, I could sleep for more than 10 hours. I said awful only because I know it's not healthy and usually it collides into the rest of my schedule and it takes at least two days to get my act back together. Trust me when I say I know it's taking a toil on my health. Sleep is my nicotine, my drug. I worship SLEEP! I'm not ashamed to say that but I would actually like to change that routine for something better. And I know that it'd be better because not only I get to keep sleeping for 8, 9 hours, I'll also have a healthier life. Maybe.

I once thought having a room to myself and a bed would change things but it only fueled the bad habit of not sleeping because now I can do whatever I want and stay up as late as I can. Such as writing this blog. OK, so the clock shows 3.35 AM.

I am turning 24 in less than ten days and I want to see change. So, change.

Good night guys. Or good morning.

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