Friday, October 15, 2010

OK, I’m going back to the roots.

I came into the office today and instantly pumped up the volume of Avril Lavigne’s songs on my laptop. I found a collection of remix versions of her old albums. Oh yes, I am a closeted (and now open) Avril fan. I remembered listening to her very first single, Complicated, when I was 17. I was introduced to that song by my then online girlfriend. Fell in love (with Avril, not the online girlfriend) and immediately went out to get the album. After the CD was done playing Complicated which happened to be the first song of the album and moved on to the next track and the next, a sense of doubt was looming over me. I was thinking, ‘hey, maybe her music isn’t my cup of tea.’ The background music was so loud and without the lyric booklet then, I couldn’t make out the words but I refused to give up on it and gave it several more listening. Boy, was I glad I didn’t just put it away and miss out on a large chunk of what could have been good music and writing. It became a staple of my high school life and as of today, I have reacquainted my love for Avril’s music.

Talking about roots, I was thinking of about digging up all my writing projects that I have pretty much put on hold for 8 years now. I have enlisted the help of an old friend (a wonderful man) to work with me on this writer’s blog (notice the play on word on writer’s block) that allows aspiring writers to come together to share and publish their work. I was watching The Amazing Race Asia last night and realised (quite awkwardly and painfully) what the acronyms happen to stand for. Wow, it took my breath away and instantly I felt a sharp pain in my heart and abdominal areas. I was not kidding. It was not good at all. I suppose the blog is my next (poor) attempt at getting myself back on track. I know if I could try to recreate or rekindle some sort of a passion and control over my life, I can heal. And I would like to heal very much.

Watch out for that new blog.

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