Tuesday, July 27, 2010

P is for Physics and P is for Poetry

Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.

Lawrence M. Krauss

Sweet isn't it? I don't think Physics has been this charming until I came across this.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Letters, Strings and All 13

Dear Love,

There are few mornings when I'm up early enough to see the sun rise and stream into the room. I love how the sun rays pentrated through the purple window pane, making tiny rainbows on your exposed skin.

It generally proves impossible to be up before the alarm - you usually tire me out too much. But last night you stayed over and all we did was snuggle. I didn't mind. What can be more intimate than this? Every possible inch of our skins melding into a single entity, my breasts to your back, no clothes to hamper the sensation. If I lie quiet and still enough, I would hear the blood pulsing through your veins, your little heart pumping away in a soothing rhythm. You breathe softly, evenly, just as you do when you're in a deep slumber. I lean forward the tiniest bit to place a soft kiss on the back of your neck. As I pull away, you turn in my arms and smile at me, your eyes closed, still asleep. The thin sheet slipping off your shoulders, revealing your breasts. I raised myself on one elbow to watch you sleep.

The rays of the morning sun diffuse through the window, wrapping your body in a quiet, beautiful light. Your normally pale neck is pink with sun-lit blood, flawless like marble and sweet like a peppermint lollypop. The shadows created by the sun, the curves of your body and the placement of the sheets dance a magical dance on your skin as you breathe, your chest rises and falls. The red of your lips is illuminated so that its moist softness shines as if covered in dew. You part your lips ever so slightly and lets out a sigh. As you roll towards me, I hear my name whispered in slumber. I smile, and lean in to kiss you on your lips, eliciting another sigh of contentment.

The sun rises higher in the sky and while it shines on you from a lower angle before, it now streams over you with a passion, igniting every part of you with a radiance that takes my breath away. Your hair, ardent in any situation, now seems to be made of flame itself as the sun dances between the strands. You shift slightly and your hair falls softly around your face, framing your cheeks with fire. A tear slips out of my eye in wonder that I am the only one you will ever let witness this staggering sight, of your entire body aflame with benevolent fire. You told me one time that you would never leave me, that you would love me forever, and while a part of my mind refused to believe it, my heart and soul accepted your truth and returned it full force.

I am so close to you now that my tear falls on your nose. You sniff and reach up to wipe it away, smilingly grumpily. I grin and you open your eyes, and the sunlight hits the brown and sparks resembling burning woods ignite in them to offset the red that envelops the rest of you. I gasp at the splendour of it, and you wrinkle your brow in bafflement. Knowing you're about to speak, I capture your lips with mine in a soft kiss to keep this morning perfect.

When we pull apart, you smile at me in love, understanding my quirks and oddities, which you really wouldn't mind as long as they result in kissing. I grin back, my eyes meeting yours, sapphire gaze mixing with brown hues, and lean in for another kiss, my tongue gaining easy access. Our hair mingles, my gold strands interweaving with your brown hair until we pull apart again. I trace your jawline with my fingers and you cover my hand with yours and we sit together, for what seems like an eternity, in the glow.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Now learn how to fly.

Sometimes I imagined if I’m just hearing voices in my head and they were never real.
I heard you calling my name and I remembered turning around and staring into a stranger I hoped worn your face.
It was one of the stranger things that kept happening to me lately.
In the morning, when I wake up, I thought I smell you. I thought you were lying right next to me the previous night but you disappeared without a sign, a note.
And I had to stop myself. It was insane.
Here I thought I was back on track, I got derailed again.
Didn’t anyone tell you it’s not good for my mental state?

Geez, don’t you start yelling at me again!
I am not at fault here!
I am the one you left behind!
I am the one who has to keep on living right!
Now, don’t you dare walk away from me!
I beg of you, T

Let me be a coward, just tonight
Tomorrow, I promise I’ll take flight
I’ll do all the things you never had a chance
I’ll walk away but I’ll do you proud and right

I picture you sitting and half-dozing off with a book in your hand in my closed eyes
I wanna re-invite you back into my life
Would you say yes, will you come?
I’ll reintroduce you to the goodness of life
I’ll rein you back in into reality
The cobalt blue in your eyes will sparkle and your teeth will shine
There are times
When it’s high and sometimes low
Or so I’m told
I’ve never quite live it long
I just wanted to be on the ride to somewhere that isn’t cold

I’m gonna let you in on a secret now
A secret meant only for your ears and mine
I love you, Tara and there you go
It doesn’t matter now I know
And everyone tells me so.

The love of my life
You were so bright
You made me believe I had been half-living in the blind
You read my thoughts and cleared my mind
You knew me without me having to speak my mind
“No, darling, not a word, not a sound, for I hear you just right.”
It’s amazing, isn’t it?
The little bubble we live in
We never had to answer to nobody
Is that right?
It’s way too high, where we are now
I’m letting go
I’ll land on the pavement, falling nicely into neat pieces
Will you still recognise my face?
Please still say hi
Don’t leave me in my blood, hanging dry

Sometimes I may still hear myself cry at night
It isn’t a sign
It’s just a manner of life
Just me learning to say goodbye
A behaviour so natural to me it felt like it’s time I get it right
No, I don’t wanna slow you down
I want you to take your time and do it right
So when you’re gone
You’d really be gone

I’m letting you go now
Don’t be afraid
You will be safe
In a place I’ve created in my heart with the will of my mind, the power of our once glorified life
I’ll never forget you, the love of my past life

Now fly.