Sunday, June 13, 2010

I think I've said this before.

I think I'm walking on a familiar route back home.
I said it once then, and I'll say it again.

When you need to fall completely apart, I am where you break, I am where you land
like raindrops on pavements, like an intoxicated outburst
I wanna see you crumble and break down
I wanna see you tore apart
I wanna hear you cry for real
Stop putting up a front, a struggle
It's useless in this light, this time of day.

If I may again, repeat what I've said before, I wouldn't mind
I would love to be drenched in your contradictions
But I can't anymore.
I needed an answer, an answer for your foolishness, selfishness and arrogance.

I will keep my piece, as you would yours.
I will not say a word because I know I wouldn't have to.

Looking at you, I am convulsed with disgust
Looking past you, I realised that I'm still me, and you, you.
And I have no rights.

I can't just be your friend.
I am more than that. Hell, I deserve more than that.
But I'm past that.

Yes, over the years, I may have said this before.

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