Wednesday, June 17, 2009

From A Certain Death, I shall keep you

I always thought that when I found you, I've found the perfect place to start, straight from your heart, to live life as it can be lived, to be together for as long time would allow. To always be happy and contented and to remember to give instead of just receiving. My ears would often pick up a symphony of truth and secrets whenever I hear your voice. Like a candle lit up in a cold dark room, every fibre of my being is set aflame as if an entire rainforest has come alive, trigging the exclusive revolution of life and metamorphosis. I would hold your hand for the longest time so I could savor every touch and remember how warm you felt. I would undress you with my eyes as soon as you come in sight. And that much, I am not ashamed to say.

If only you could hear me it.

Now that we're lying on the ground, the darkened stormy skies over our heads and time running short, I wonder if I would ever do this again, if I could ever see you and feel you next to me. Clasped firmly together our hands, I am keeping you away from death. I do not want you to leave. I do not want to have to try to live. After you're gone, I would be too. At least that was what I told myself. But when you did left me, you left me also with a gift. Something I sure you were convinced of will sustain and pull me through. Words you have whispered in my ears before time slipped out. A bundle of letters written with your heart when we were broken up, and the memories of times we've had, the invaluable lessons you have imparted and your smile...the color of your eyes, the way your brows knitted together when you're deeply in concentration etc. It is a list, trust me. :)

Where do you come from? From the rain? Do you need a place to fall apart? I'm right here.

Always here.

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