Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Would you?, " Tara asked.

Would you still love me if you can't see me?
Would you still hold me close in the night and sing me to sleep?
Would you tell me jokes, funny or not, just so you could listen to me laugh?
Would you still hold my hand as we wandered the streets, day and night as shallow people stared and pointed fingers?
Would you ever get tired hanging out with me and me alone in that little rented room?
Would you have stopped me touching and kissing you?
Would you say no?
Would you still watch with intent when I eat and ask if it was any good?
Would you continue to lose yourself in the color of my eyes so blue, and smile when I talk?
Would you yell out my name when you'd wake in the middle of the night, sweating and in tears, sitting on the cold floor?
Would you leave me after I'm gone?

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